Brian joins soloists Jamille Brewster, soprano, Cherry Duke mezzo-soprano, Phillip Hill, Baritone and James Carney, Cello, the UTEP Choral Union and the El Paso Symphony Orchestra in presenting the El Paso Requiem by composer Jorge Martín to commemorate the lives lost in the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting.

Commissioned by Communities for Peace; a historic partnership of El Paso Pro-Musica, El Paso Opera, El Paso Symphony Orchestra and the University of Texas at El Paso Music Department, in tribute to the victims and survivors of the August 3, 2019 attack in El Paso.

“A Communal Act of Remembrance for the Victims of Random Gun Violence in America Specifically for the 23 who lost their lives from the shooting in El Paso, Texas on August Third, Twenty-Nineteen,” Jorge Martín

October 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m.

Plaza Theater

125 Pioneer Plaza

El Paso, TX 79901
